
  • Under the Whatcom County Code, Chapter 8.10, the county mandated that source-separated recyclables be collected from residences within the county by the designated solid waste carrier. The county went on to outline the types of items that were to be collected and these are outlined on the reverse side of this page.

  • In addition to plastic bottles and milk jugs, we do recycle rigid plastic containers used for food, detergents and more. These items can be dropped at the Johnson Road transfer station.

  • Household items that are made of plastic or glass or metal are not necessarily recyclable even though parts of those items might be recyclable, therefore, they should not be put out as source-separated recyclables. They may be brought to the Johnson Road transfer station

  • Our employee’s health and safety is paramount. Please do not put 20 or 32 gallon garbage cans filled with glass wine or beer bottles at the curb for collection. Any recycling container weighing more than 35 pounds will not be collected, primarily because it is not safe.

  • DO NOT leave empty water, beer, pop or wine bottles in their cases, this is considered mixing materials.

  • Recycling containers containing more than 5% soiled, unclean or mixed materials will not be picked up. The customer will be given the option of removing the contamination, or having the item picked up as garbage on the customers’ following day of curbside collection.

  • Please do not use plastic bags for any recyclable materials.

  • Cando Recycling and Disposal supply one each of red, white and blue 14 gallon recycling containers for our curbside customers use while participating in curbside collection service. These are the property of the company and must be retu-rned when service is discontinued.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.           Why do Cans and glass jars have to be rinsed out?

A.           The cleaner the item the better return we receive on the commodities. In most cases, we are charged to take commodities such as glass and plastic to wholesale recyclers. The dirtier or more soiled the commodity the more we have to pay to unload it because it is less recyclable and more like garbage.

Q.           Why does corrugated cardboard have to be cut down to size and or broken down?

A.           Mainly because of handling and to make it easier for us to pick up. Remember what we pick up in the recycling truck has to be unloaded at the other end, and must be compacted for shipment out to the recycling wholesalers. Again, the return we receive (if any) is based upon the quality of the materials we deliver.

Q.           Why can’t I just put all of my paper and boxes and cardboard into a large cardboard box?

A.           First and foremost, corrugated cardboard is a different commodity than say a cereal box or a shoe box. If we mix them all up, then we receive financial penalties from the recycling wholesalers. Where we might receive a credit for cardboard, if it is mixed with paper and cereal boxes etc, we will be charged for it. If this is the case then we would need to ask for rate increases from our customers to cover the increased costs to our operations.

Q.           Where does all of the recycling go?

A.           All recycling is consolidated at the Transfer Station on Johnson Road. From there it goes to a variety of wholesalers (at least 5) in the lower mainland from Vancouver to Chilliwack. Glass is ground down into sand and reused in the manufacture of concrete. Many of the other commodities are sold offshore in bulk by the wholesalers and return to our shores in the form of packaging or toys or construction materials or many other consumer items including cars and car parts.

Q.           What should I do if my pick up is missed?

A.           If your garbage or recycling is missed, simply call our office @360 945 2636
When possible, we will attempt to pick up your garbage or recycling the same day. If circumstances prevent us from collecting the same day, you may have to wait till the following day for pick up.

Q.           I have questions about my bill or statement?

A.           Questions concerning your bill or statement can be addressed by our office personnel. Please call our office @ 360 945 2636 Monday – Friday 10:30 – 2:30